Carnival at Mangholm 10-11 am

DKK 30,00

Barrel making for children
Select number of participants


Dear all dragons, princesses, butterflies, spidermen and belly dancers.

On Saturday, March 1st, we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday for children with barrel-tapping and fun in the café afterwards.

Come dressed up at 10:00 and let's give the keg a shot together!

When the Cat King and Queen have been proclaimed, we enter the warmth of the café, where Anne Sofie has baked. Here you can buy Fastelavns buns, buns with cheese and hot soup. We also sell hot chocolate, soda and good coffee.

Come and join us in celebrating one of the truly old party traditions in the countryside.

Price per child: 30 DKK (select number of children participating) to cover barrel beating with content and prize for Cat King and Queen.