Meeting room Hillerød - Hold your meetings at Mangholm

If you need a meeting room in Hillerød, which must be able to form the framework for a small or large meeting, then you can advantageously choose Mangholm. Here we have both calm and rural surroundings that invite you to relax, but also charming premises with plenty of space.

Our idyllic countryside will form the perfect setting for a meeting where calm and focus is needed. We naturally provide exceptional catering, based on the raw materials from our own crops and that meat and eggs come from the farm's animals.

restaurant Hillerød

Space for both large and small meetings

Our meeting room in Hillerød can accommodate up to 80 people. From the premises there will be a beautiful view of our flower garden, which emits a wonderful fragrance during the flowering.

We can make sure that there is room for even the big meetings, but also enough intimacy to accommodate the small meetings. Our meeting room consists of two larger rooms, which can be combined for use together, or closed off so that only one part is used.

We can agree on this when booking the meeting room in Hillerød. We are happy to accommodate inquiries, both in relation to the facilities, but also in relation to catering.

A meeting room with charm

There are no premises like ours in Hillerød. Due to the rural surroundings, a tranquility is created that cannot be found elsewhere.

Based on our crops, exquisite dishes will be made which can be enjoyed in our meeting room or our restaurant. During the breaks, we are happy to serve a cup of coffee from ours café, where we also bake cakes and bread with our own flour.

Our meeting room in Hillerød itself exudes rural charm. You can also advantageously hold workshops here, which can be taken outside to our large areas.

Contact us to hear more about facilities, food and prices.


Where can you find a good meeting room in Hillerød?
You can advantageously book a meeting room at Mangholm. We have calm and idyllic surroundings that create just the right setting for contemplation, creativity and space for thoughts.

Where can you find a meeting room with catering in Hillerød?
At Mangholm you will find a quiet meeting room in a rural setting that provides space for both large and small meetings. In addition, we will serve seasonal food, based on vegetables, meat and eggs from our own breeding.

Where can you hold a meeting in Hillerød?
You can advantageously hold your meeting, workshop or small conference at Mangholm. We offer a large, quiet room with space for up to 80 people with catering. The menu will consist of seasonal dishes that are based on own breeding and from own crops.

Can you book a meeting room in a rural setting?
Yes, you can easily do that. At Mangholm you will find a large meeting room that can form the framework for your meeting. We can accommodate up to 80 people in our premises, and we serve a delicious, seasonal menu with vegetables and meat from our own land.